13 Ways Invoice Finance Can Help Cashflow

Cash(flow) is king - how can invoice finance help you stay in control of it?

blog author
Neil Cassule
September 12, 2022
blog category

What is invoice finance?

Invoice finance is a type of lending that enables businesses to borrow money against the value of their outstanding invoices.

How does it work?

Typically, a business will sell its invoices to a lender at a discount in order to receive funding quickly. The lender then collects payment from the customer directly. Once the customer pays the invoice, the business receives the remaining balance, minus the fee charged by the lender.

What are the benefits?

There are many benefits associated with invoice finance including:

1. Quick access to funds: Invoice financing can provide businesses with quick access to much-needed funds.

2. Improved cash flow: By borrowing against invoices, businesses can improve their overall cash flow.

3. Flexible repayment terms: Repayment terms are often flexible, which can be helpful for businesses that experience seasonal fluctuations in their cash flow.

4. No collateral required: Invoice finance typically does not require collateral, making it an accessible form of funding for many businesses.

5. Increased working capital: By borrowing against invoices, businesses can free up working capital that can be used for other purposes.

6. Improved business relationships: Invoice finance can help businesses build and maintain strong relationships with their customers by ensuring timely payments.

7. Greater financial control: With invoice finance, businesses have greater control over their finances and can better manage their cash flow.

8. Access to growth capital: Invoice finance can provide businesses with the capital they need to grow and expand.

9. Reduced financial risk: Invoice finance can help businesses reduce their financial risk by providing a source of funding that is not dependent on creditworthiness.

10. Flexibility: Invoice financing can be used fora variety of purposes, giving businesses greater flexibility in how they use the funds.

11. Simplicity: The application process for invoice finance is typically simpler than that of other types of loans, making it an accessible form of funding for many businesses.

12. No personal guarantee required: Businesses typically are not required to provide a personal guarantee when applying for invoice finance, making it a less risky form of funding.

13. Speed: Invoice finance can provide businesses with quick access to funds, often in as little as 24 hours.

What is Cashflow?

Cashflow is the lifeblood of any business. It is the money that comes in and out of a business daily, and it needs to be managed carefully to ensure that the business can continue to operate.

There are a number of ways to improve cash flow, and one of them is invoice finance. Invoice finance is a type of short-term loan that allows businesses to access the money that is owed to them by their customers.

It can be a useful tool for businesses that are struggling to make ends meet, as it can provide them with the funds they need to keep operating.

Here are 13 ways that invoice finance can help improve your business's cashflow:

1. Invoice finance can help you free up cash that is tied up in unpaid invoices, so you can have more working capital to grow your business.

2. With invoice finance, you can get funding based on the value of your outstanding invoices, so you don't have to wait for customers to pay.

3. Invoice finance can help you manage your cashflow better and avoid late payment penalties from suppliers.

4. With invoice finance, you can choose when to receive payments for your invoices, so you can better manage your cash flow.

5. Invoice finance can help you improve your relationships with suppliers by paying them on time, which can lead to lower prices and improved terms.

6. Invoice finance can help you take advantage of early payment discounts from customers, which can save you money.

7. Invoice finance can help you manage your business growth by giving you access to working capital when you need it most.

8. Invoice finance can help you finance business expansion by giving you access to additional funding when you need it.

9. Invoice finance can help you weather slow periods by providing a source of cash flow when customers are slow to pay.

10. Invoice finance can help you with seasonal fluctuations in cash flow by providing funding when you need it most.

11. Invoice finance can help you prepare for tax payments by providing funding in advance of when taxes are due.

12. Invoice finance can help you manage customer concentration risk by diversifying your sources of funding.

13. Invoice finance can help you improve your business credit score by demonstrating your ability to manage cash flow and repay debt.


Invoice finance can be a helpful tool for businesses of all sizes that are looking to improve their cash flow and business relationships. If you're considering invoice financing, be sure to shop around and compare terms and fees from multiple lenders.

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